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Vehicular system for traffic and collision avoidance in urban areas
Gengis Kanhg Toledo Ramírez
Acceso Abierto
"Transport delays due to traffic jams are manifest in many urban areas worldwide. To make road traffic networks more efficient, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are currently being developed to mitigate congestions. New technologies such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications provide means for cooperation, and intelligent route management in transportation networks. As a proposal to contribute in this area, the definition, and conceptual design of a vehicular system for traffic and collision avoidance in urban areas are presented in this thesis. The methodology used for the creation of the system concept is based on the V-Model for developmentof projects and the ""Inclusive concept design process"". In a first approach, the problem statement and the use cases to be solved by the system such as frontal collision, intersection incident, and traffic efficiency were defined. The general and particular objectives were clarified, and the main functions were established based on them. The description of the concept of operation giving the user point of view and the established high-level requirements that need to be accomplished for a successful system are presented in the third section. An analysis of the system functions for the safe distance determination, comparison of vehicle speeds, and determinationof situations was done, with it the principles for the position, direction, messages, and detection solutions were elaborated. This analysis helped to obtain the final concept by using the System Modeling Language (SysML) to create a preliminary model that defines the general-purpose architecture of the system. The resulting concept consists of a vehicular system with a communication subsystem based on V2V and V2I technologies, and a sensor subsystem for acquiring data from the surrounding vehicles and infrastructure. Finally, a simulation of the interactions of several systems with similar capabilities to the desired one was done, to obtain valuable data from the expected response times, message frames, and possible anomalies on the system. The presented system development concluded between the system concept and the preliminary design of the engineering model. The simulation of the system showed that it is possible to transmit and receive messages among the units with security architecture, faster than a normal driver recognition time. Concluding that it is possible to alert the driver before he notices the danger.
Tesis de maestría
Público en general
Appears in Collections:Desarrollo de sistemas de control, visión y algorítmos

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